
Photography (255) Music (208) Portraiture (147) Italian Vogue (35) Poetry (22) BBC (20) Thoughts (16) Art (3) (3) Facebook (2)

Just me.

Just me.

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas and my New BBC Photo

Merry Chrsitmas and all the best in 2014, everyone!

And if you want to see my picture that was published on BBC yesterday, follow this link and check out image 3.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

BBC Wales

I've been taking quite a lot of night shots in Newport (see below). However, here is the link to my newest BBC photo: (image 3), which wasn't taken there.

As the year is almost over, this is a 'kind of' summary of what I've been doing:
1. (picture 1)  
2. (picture 1)

3. (picture 1)
4. (picture 10)
5. (picture 4)
6. (picture 4)
7. (picture 7)
8. (picture 8)
9. (picture 11)
10. (picture 5)
11. (picture 3)

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Oh dear!

Last Sunday night, I submitted two photos to BBC, hoping the one below would get selected because I like its composition (the lighting is not so good, though, I know).

 Unfortunately, the ugly one got chosen. Can you recognise me here Really hoping you CAN'T.  Direct link to the gallery: - just look for picture 5 and enjoy the ugliness. 

Back to my world now! 

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Wednesday, 23 October 2013


I've just discovered that they published two of my photos today. This is the link to the second one: (the first one is mine).  Now you can admire my holiday footwear, too!

BBC Wales

A new photo by me on BBC Wales: Last but one this time.

My ears are full of this.

Thursday, 10 October 2013


My picture's been published on BBC today (, look for image 10). What's really bugging me, though, is that I've written 'South Wales', not 'south Wales'. Also, they've changed my very own full stop before 'Penarth' to a comma. Am I a stickler for detail or what? 

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Photographing Children

I spent my summer travelling around Europe and taking photos of whatever caught my eye. Still, no time to select a sample of them and post them on here, but I thought I could share a few pics of this beautiful girl I was lucky to photograph a month ago!

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Don't Build Castles in the Air if You Can't Build One in the Sand

We (people) can always gloss over very important concerns or announce sprinkling a thick layer of glitter over the mess as of tomorrow (or next year or whenever we fancy), but by doing so, we're, evidently, not dealing with the issues. I see it very clearly: if we don't impose consequences, we won't be treated seriously - that's a fact, so it doesn't matter if or when we'll be proclaiming 'a new beginning'. Everything left undealt with shapes the future more than our intentions, whether we like it or not. 

Admittedly, we can start writing our Know-How book again and as many times as we want, but we'll be always only starting from scratch if we can't decide where the climax (know-what) and defining moments (know-who and know-why) are.

Metallica again tonight and just one thing to remember for me now more than any other time: "People hate the truth. Luckily, the truth doesn't care."

Sunday, 30 June 2013

My Niece Has Grown

I love photographing her and it's incredible how quickly she's changing. 

Monday, 24 June 2013

A Few Photos of My Gorgeous Sister

I took these yesterday in her house. I'm extremely busy now, so apologies for neglecting this blog a bit. Oh, and the scarf was just my idea (I wanted to add some colours and textures); she doesn't wear it - it's mine, anyway.